Jan 28, 2014

Daily Diamond! Pink Chest

Derp Jammers! :3

Okay, so I have decided to do an AJF Insider ever other
Saturday. And the reason this is a double informing post, is because I am in a hurry. It is really late at the moment. And yes, I'm sorry it is so late. I had no time this morning, and I have been doing things. Anyways, Don't forget to get your diamond today members!

 And there is also a new item in the Jam Mart Furniture store. It is the pink chest from last year's Friendship Festival.

Jan 27, 2014

Friendship Party Starts Today!!

Derp Jammers! :3

The Friendship Festival starts today! Don't forget to go!! :D

Sea Star

Derp Jammers! :3

Yay! I now have decided to buy a sea animal. I can now post about new underwater items!! And the only new item today (other than the rare) or I think it came out today. :P It was the only item that said 'New!'.
Anyways, it's a sea star! If you click the 'change color' button, it changes what type of starfish it is. (BTW, this is the same one from the Atlantis Party!)

Rare Flippers

Derp Jammers! :3

Today's rare is a pair of Rare Flippers! Get them in Bahari Bargains!

Jan 26, 2014


Derp Jammers! :3

Sorry this was such a late post! My mom wouldn't let me on the computer for a while... But here it is! 

Today AJ brought out ANOTHER winter item. It is in the Jam Mart Clothing. It's called a topcoat, and it looks like this:

Furry Coat

Derp Jammers! :3

So so sorry that I didn't post this yesterday! My mom wouldn't let me on the computer so I couldn't. Anyways, yesterday AJ brought out another winter item in the Jam Mart Clothing. It is a furry hat! Literally just a furry hat. It's kind of cute... I guess...

Jan 24, 2014

Pet Cabin

Derp Jammers! :3 

Today in Jam Mart Furniture, there is a new item. And judging by the title, it is a pet cabin. it is really cute. It's even animated! the smoke flows out of the chimney.

It unfortunately, it is only for members.

Jan 23, 2014

Sigurd Statue!

Derp Jammers!
There is a new alpha!! And his name is... wait for it... Sigurd! Which you probably knew that from the title. :3  Sigurd is the new deer alpha. When life gives you a new alpha, AJ makes them a statue. Here's a look at that.

Butterfly and Star Glasses On Clearance!

Derp Jammers!
Just recently, the butterfly glasses and star glasses in Jam Mart Clothing went on clearance. If you want them, you getter get them before they're gone!

Base Camp

Derp Jammers! :3
Now there is one portal in he Adventure Base Camp that lets you go to any adventure. Go try it out! I know it's a short post, but there's nothing more to say... :P just DERP.

Friendship Festival

Derp Jammers! :3
The Friendship Festival is coming soon! It is a really fun party! I would LOVE to give more information on it, but I'm going to save that for Saturday's insider. Until then, go eat a sandwich or something. :3

Coming Soon! January 2014

Derp Jammers! :3
Have you been wondering about what animal might be coming? I think it might be an eagle or falcon. BTW, I asked AJ if they would consider bringing us eagles. So if this happens, thank me. And, your welcome.  :3


Derp Jammers! :3
 For two weeks only, you can get any den half-off! The Fantasy Castle Den is now less than the original price of the Tree House Den! Even Cosmo's Den is for sale! It was 6 diamonds! Now it's only 3! This is awesome madness!

Epic Dens and World Map Portal Buttons

Derp Jammers! :3
I know this post has a strange title, but if you looked at my Jamaa Journal Volume 110 post, that's how I am going to post those topics into further detail. Anyways, on the world map, you now have two more buttons! Those are the portal button and the epic dens button. They look like this:

The portal button leads to a small page that shows every adventure. You can click on one to do it. With the epic dens button, it opens up like the other one did. The other epic dens button just said "Epic Dens".

Jamaa Journal Volume 110

Derp Jammers! :3
Here's today's Jamaa Journal!!

If you want more info on these articles, look for a post under that heading.
Example: If you want to learn about the epic dens button, enter "Epic Dens" (without the quotation marks) into the blog's search bar.

Jan 22, 2014

Tall Pine Tree

Derp Jammers! :3

Sorry this update came so late! This morning I had to get up early and I got up real late. :3 I woke up 6 minutes before I had to be at school. :P But anyways, today AJ brought out the big pine tree! It's basically just a shorter, wider version of the tall pine tree. :3

It's still very tall though. :P

Jan 21, 2014

Diamond Day! 1.3

Derp Jammers! :3

Members, don't forget to get your weekly diamond today!!

Tall Pine Tree

Derp Jammers! :3

The only new item today is a tall pine tree. You can get it in the Jamma township den item shop.

Lit Topiaries! Still Here!

Derp Jammers! :3

The lit topiaries are still here! About a week ago, I posted that they were now on clearance. They are a bit Christmassy, but they look cute. :3

Double Gems!! Sky High

Derp Jammers! :3

This month, Sky High can be played for double the gems. This game gets you a lot of gems, a prize, it's quick, it's easy, and it's fun! So play it before you loose half of your double!!

Jan 20, 2014

Rare Leg Armor! Rare Monday 1.3

Derp Jammers! :3

Hey Guys! So today is January 20th, and a Monday!! For only 400 gems, you can get yourself some rare leg armor!! (And a payment of membership :'( )
It is for members only though. D: I know I'm a member, but I think non members should be able to get any Monday rares. Anyways, the rare leg armor.

They're cool looking though. B)

Jan 19, 2014

Pet Ice Rink

Derp Jammers! :3

Aj just gave us an ice rink for our pets. If you click on it, the penguins play ice hockey!!

So cute! 

Snow Trail Shoes! Wait, What??

Derp Jammers! :3

Today or yesterday or the day before that, snow trail shoes came out in the cocoa hut up in MT. Shiveer. These, umm, "snow trail shoes" are basically tennis rackets that you strap to your feet. People just usually call them just "snow shoes". But I guess they mean more to AJ. :3

They don't look too comfortable... or even appealing... :3 But they're kooky, and I like them that way. :{ 

Jan 18, 2014

Ice Castle Den - AJF Insider

    Derp Jammers! :3

Today I decided to start something called the AJF Insider. And what that is, it's a type of post where I give you inside details on dens, items, and rares. I will post on of these every weekend, hopefully on Saturdays. This week's is the ice castle den! This is what it looks like on the inside.

In the ice castle den (which is really called the snow fort, look at the picture :3), Has a chilling secret to it. If you go to the top of the turret (tower), there is a breeze. When you stand up there long enough, your animal turns to an icy light blue. You have been frozen! One more thing, in the bottom left corner of the picture, you can see a frozen pond, right? You can actually walk on it! It's a good place for a fishin' hole. :3 I hope this was new or interesting for you. Thanks for checking out the AJF Insider!

Paw In The Snow!

DERP Jammzin Peeps! :3

Today in the Jam Mart den item store, a big pawprint in some snow came out. If you have a snow covered den, then this will look natural in there. :P

Hockey Sticks

Derp Jammers! :3

Today, AJ brought out hockey sticks in the den item shop. Even more winter sports! It is member though. :(
Anyway, here is a pic.


Don't forget your derp!

Jan 15, 2014

Ski Lift And Skis!

Derp Jammers! :3

Today and yesterday, the ski lift chair and skis came out on AJ. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, or Monday's rare, I just didn't have the time. My laptop also quit on me. Blogger won't work on it anymore. Dingo! I  love to blog on my laptop. :( Oh well. Here's a pic of the new ski items.

Hmm... AJ is bringing out a lot of winter sport stuff. It does look fun though. A cool thing you can do with these ski items, is make a ski lodge in you den! Sadly, these are only member items. So members, if you do open any hotels, stores, cafes, or anything else, let nm use them please. They need more to do. Thanks :3

Jan 12, 2014

Snowboarding Helmet

Derp Jammers! :3

So today, AJ brought out the snowboarding helmet. Wow. AJ is bringing out a lot of winter sports stuff. Well, because it is so late, or early ( It Depends :3), I can't get a picture uploaded yet. It's basically just a hat with goggles. And it matches the snow boots with the exact same shade of pink. So get your winter on before spring comes and AJ takes these wonderful items away!

And now for some random adorableness.

Hmm... Resemblance?  

Jan 11, 2014

Snowflake Boots

Deyerp Jammahs! :3

Today AJ brought us snowflake boots! They're pretty self-explanatory. They're snow boots with, um, snowflakes on them... Yeah I get where I'm going with this.

I unfortunately can't post a picture because the desktop is acting up. Sorry guys! 

To make up for the picture, I put this. 


Jan 10, 2014

1st Viewer! LOL

Derp Jammers! :3

I am so happy! I just started blogging and I already have a viewer! Sort-of! Today while I was at school, I got one viewer who did each poll, and checked out each post! YAY! I know it's kind of stupid that this got me so exited. :P I am just so happy because this is new for me! I have no idea who this person is, but thank you!!! I'm only 10, so this is like a step-up from what I thought would happen when I made this. Which that is kind of sad... but who cares! View! YAY! Sorry, not meaning to brag, just spreading the happiness! If you were my first viewer and you see this, please leave a comment with your username on AJ. I would love to meet you!!

Bye! Lotta Love!!

Animal Jam Ice Skates!

Derp Jammers! :3 

Today Animal Jam brought out ice skates! Not for your animal, but to sit in your den. I think that's real cool to have skates sitting around. :3 Especially  if your den is like Iice's den. That den is awesome! It's like a skating rink inside. Please check it out at iice! Anyways, sooooo sorry
I didn't get this posted for a LONG time. It's already Saturday! I couldn't get a pic of it because it won't work on my laptop and the desktop is down. GAHH! But because of that delay, I am going to post Saturday's update as soon as AJ finishes its update witch shouldn't be long now. I just have to sneak past my mom. :P

See ya in like, an hour on my post! :3

Jan 9, 2014

Topiaries On Clearance!

Derp Jammers! :3

Topiaries are no longer in the conservation museum! You can only get them from Treetop Gardens in the Sarepia Forest. Even so, these topiaries have snow and lights on them. So of course they're on clearance now that the holidays are over. So get them before they're gone! And sadly, they are member-only items. Why AJ!!! Non-mems need stuff, too! :'( 

Although I am very sad over that, I'm still glad that AJ at least lets non-mems do more than Club Penguin does. Derp ya later! ;3 

AJ Wristband - For Your Animal!

Derp Jammers! :3

In AJ Outfitters, there is a pack of 5 wristbands that have some words and phrases on them like "Big Cats", "Play Wild", or "Animal Jam". They're cute, but I wouldn't buy 5 for 10 bucks. But now AJ has given us a wristband for our animals! It has a bunch of squared swirls on it. Then in the middle of the swirls is a big AJ that makes the bracelet Animal Jam's. It's stylish, 300 gems (I can by 6 teacups with that!), and for ALL jammers! Yay! It comes in 8 different colors. 

It is so small on your animal so you can't even see what it says. This is actually a maximized picture of it on me. Cute though! 

Jamaa Journal Volume 109, January 9, 2014

Derp Jammers! :3

Today the first Jamaa Journal in a long, and I mean, LONG time came out. Issue 109. In this Journal, you will find happiness, sadness, and anger. Maybe. But most of all, I hope it makes you happy. :3 Here's what I found this morning on AJ.

What's up with the feather? I was so excited to see this! For months now I have been asking AJ for eagle animals. Now we might be getting something similar! What bird do you think it is? Tell me in the comments. And don't orget to check out my poll about what animal you want to have next. It includes an eagle!

Jan 8, 2014

The beginning of AJF!

Derp Jammers! :3

I'm Winterchilly and this is my blog! On here you can  find codes, glitches, LOL stuff, and more! I was inspired by the Animal Jam Times to do this. Please go check out that blog! Kinyogas made the blog and she is working with other jammers to make the most of it! I will be posting more useful things hopefully with my friend from AJ. Please comment and help support my blog by coming everyday for new updates! I know I don't have anything posted yet, but look out jammers! It's going to be a wild year!

-Winterchilly X3