Jan 10, 2014

Animal Jam Ice Skates!

Derp Jammers! :3 

Today Animal Jam brought out ice skates! Not for your animal, but to sit in your den. I think that's real cool to have skates sitting around. :3 Especially  if your den is like Iice's den. That den is awesome! It's like a skating rink inside. Please check it out at iice! Anyways, sooooo sorry
I didn't get this posted for a LONG time. It's already Saturday! I couldn't get a pic of it because it won't work on my laptop and the desktop is down. GAHH! But because of that delay, I am going to post Saturday's update as soon as AJ finishes its update witch shouldn't be long now. I just have to sneak past my mom. :P

See ya in like, an hour on my post! :3

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